Terms of Services


The current Conditions of Contract are applicable to the provision of services described herein and offered by Tech Assistance Ltd (hereinafter HELPTECH24), company number 15117735 and with registered business address at 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, United Kingdom, WC2H 9JQ to individuals and legal entities (henceforth THE CLIENT) expressing a desire to contract the services described within the current conditions of the contract.

The acceptance of the current Conditions of Contract implies the creation of a contract between HELPTECH24 and THE CLIENT, with the latter confirming that they have sufficient and full legal capacity to enter into said contract.


By accepting the present contract, it is agreed that HELPTECH24 will provide the services contracted by THE CLIENT, among those described below, and THE CLIENT will meet the charges described for each of these:

Installation, Configuration, and Initial Clean: This service is provided, and is required, prior to the remote technical support service and security solutions for devices connected to the internet and includes:

  • Carrying out a professional system health-check to identify and eliminate potentially malicious files and operational irregularities, as well as the repair of these.
  • Installation and configuration of software licenses included in the contracted service.
  • System configuration and optimization.

Remote Technical Service and Security Solutions: This service, depending on the type of plan taken out, will include the services described on the Features page: https://helptech24.com/plans/. The charges will be payable in advance, unless another agreement is made with THE CLIENT.

HELPTECH24 may use its discretion to allow THE CLIENT to pay the charges in a number of installments, the number and amount of which will depend on the total price of the contracted service. In this case, a recurring monthly payment will be set up until the total charge for the contracted service has been paid according to a payment calendar as indicated by HELPTECH24 within the contract.

Under this premise, and in the event that THE CLIENT does not make one or more payments on the agreed due date, the support plan initially contracted may be downgraded, in type and/or duration, to a lower priced support plan which conforms to the payment by THE CLIENT of the full fee to date in accordance with the Features page mentioned above.

THE CLIENT can upgrade the duration and/or type of their contracted support plan by paying the difference between the contracted plan and the new plan.

The support service will not be renewed automatically once the subscription has ended.

Whilst the contract is in force, any software used in the provision of the previously described services may be replaced by another that fulfills the same function and has similar features.

It is stated that the technical team at HELPTECH24 will only be able to provide assistance and support to THE CLIENT based on issues relating to the software on THE CLIENT’s devices, but not for those related to the hardware or material elements, for which they will only be able to provide recommendations or potential assessment of their function.


With the aim of complying with the previously described contract, the parties will commit to comply with the following accessory or additional obligations:

HELPTECH24 commits to:

  • Sending the invoice issued for the contracted services and the conditions of the contract accepted by THE CLIENT by email to the address supplied by THE CLIENT, as well as any changes to these conditions of contract or offer applied. In respect of this, THE CLIENT gives their consent to receive the invoice for the contracted service by email.
  • Making THE CLIENT aware of any issue arising from payment of the contracted service as soon as these are known.
  • Providing contracted services Efficiently and Diligently.
  • Not making any inadequate use of the data accessed while providing the contracted service.

THE CLIENT commits to:

  • Rectify, within a period of 24 hours, any issue regarding the payment of the service with their bank or the method of payment used, bearing the legal costs, charges, and interests that may be generated through the lack of, or delay, in payment.
  • With prior authorization from THE CLIENT, allow HELPTECH24 Staff any access which is necessary to enable HELPTECH24 to provide the contracted service, remote access to their systems and equipment and, as a result, to the information contained in them.
  • Diligently follow the instructions provided for the correct provision of the service by the HELPTECH24 Staff. The services provided require the installation and implementation of tools in THE CLIENT’s systems, for which HELPTECH24 Staff will require THE CLIENT’s collaboration to correctly carry out the provision of the service.
  • Accept the terms and conditions of use for the software and/or hardware that requires installation in the equipment as part of the HELPTECH24 service, or to allow the HELPTECH24 Staff to accept this remotely on their behalf.
  • Not to use the contracted service for any inappropriate, fraudulent or illegal practice.
  • Maintain their contact information at HELPTECH24 up to date while the contract is in force, by communicating any change in this.


Right to Waiver and Reimbursement:

THE CLIENT will have the right to waive the contract, without justified cause, within a period of 14 calendar days starting from the date of acceptance of the contract and the start of the contracted service. In order to do this, the form which is available for this purpose on the HELPTECH24 website (www.helptech24.com) should be completed and returned.

The resulting reimbursement to THE CLIENT will be processed within 14 calendar days from the day that the request for reimbursement is received or, if applicable, from the date that the returned hardware is received by HELPTECH24.

The following costs are non-refundable:

  • The full cost of the installation, configuration, and initial cleanup service, if this has been provided prior to the waiver and reimbursement request.
  • The full cost of the proportion of time elapsed and made use of between the start of the contract and the waiver request. In this sense, this will be understood as the amount of time that has passed and the time during which THE CLIENT would have had access to the support service, whether or not they made use of this.

In assessing THE CLIENT’S entitlement to a refund, no discounts will be considered that would have been applicable from contracting a support plan above 6 months in duration. Consequently, for the purpose of this calculation, the monthly value of the plan that is finally taken out by THE CLIENT will apply and not the plan initially contracted.

Termination and Cancellation of Contract:

Either party may request the termination of the contract in the event of non-compliance with any of the obligations stipulated in this document by the other party. THE CLIENT can initiate termination of the contract by completing and sending the form available for this purpose on the HELPTECH24 website (www.helptech24.com).

In the event of non-compliance by THE CLIENT, the termination may be proposed by HELPTECH24 via email to the address provided by THE CLIENT in the contract.


This contract will be perfected by means of the payment of the price by THE CLIENT, so its validity, and therefore the deployment of its effects, is conditioned to the full payment of the price by THE CLIENT.


HELPTECH24 will not be liable for any damages that may occur to THE CLIENT’s equipment as a consequence of not having sufficiently or correctly followed the instructions provided by the Technical Staff at HELPTECH24, or due to any deficiency in the provision of the service which is due to external causes and is not attributable to HELPTECH24, such as power cuts to electricity, interrupted internet connections, shortcomings in THE CLIENT’s equipment, interruptions in remote connections for software, etc.

Nor will they be responsible for any interruptions to services by HELPTECH24 subcontractors, who will attempt to correct these as quickly as possible or, if applicable, substitute them with similar services.


THE CLIENT gives their consent for HELPTECH24 to treat their personal data in accordance with the specific purposes outlined in the privacy policy which is available on the website https://helptech24.com/privacy-policy/, including for the purpose of carrying out the present contract.

THE CLIENT has the right of access, rectification, cancellation, opposition, limitation of treatment, and portability in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated by the General Data Protection Regulation (EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data) and its regulation on development. In order to exercise any of these rights, THE CLIENT should send their request via the email to: dpo@helptech24.com, attaching a photocopy of their national identity document to this request.


HELPTECH24 reserves the right to transfer the rights and obligations arising from the Contract to the individual or legal entity that it deems appropriate, assuming all the rights and obligations deriving from it, nevertheless it must communicate this point to THE CLIENT.

THE CLIENT cannot assign or transfer the rights and obligations derived from the present Contract without the prior written consent from HELPTECH24.


All communications and notifications that need to be made between the contracting parties relating to modifications of the current contract will be made by email.

In particular, THE CLIENT will communicate with HELPTECH24 in relation to this by completing and sending the form available for this purpose on the HELPTECH website (www.helptech24.com). HELPTECH24 will send its communications to the email address provided by THE CLIENT during the contracting process.

There is an online complaints and claims form available for THE CLIENT on the website and a hard copy of the form is available from the HELPTECH24 offices located at:

  • 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, United Kingdom, WC2H 9JQ



These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of England and Wales. Any disputes arising from this contract will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales, unless another jurisdiction is mandated by applicable legal provisions. For customers residing outside of the UK, local mandatory consumer protection laws may also apply.

In the event of any dispute that may arise in relation to the fulfilment of this contract, the parties agree that they will try to reach an amicable agreement in good faith before the use of any other means of conflict resolution.

Your Tech Lifesaver
Around The Clock.

71-75 Shelton Street
Covent Garden, London
United Kingdom, WC2H 9JQ

HelpTech24 is an independent technical support company, we are not affiliated with Microsoft, Apple, Amazon or Google.
We offer all of our services to the general public remotely. Diagnosis of security or performance problems is free of charge. Technical assistance to resolve such problems may require a fee.
Identified problems may be corrected by purchasing HelpTech24’s remote technical support services. Security and performance improvements will vary depending on the condition of your computer, tablet or phone, the software you are using and other factors beyond our control. These factors may result in our software and/or services not being able to troubleshoot your computer, tablet or phone.
Calls made to our numbers may incur normal charges, depending on your phone carrier and plan. Check with your carrier for information on applicable rates.

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